Augenarzt Dr. Eduard Konrad Zirm - 1863 bis 1944

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Österreich   Website des Bundesministeriums für Wissenschaft, Unterreich und Kultur
Geschichte der Transplantation - Universität Berlin  
Das Katholische Blindenwerk Norddeutschland e.V.   Erwähnung

Magazin Forschung 1-1997  


Syndicat National des Ophtalmologistes de France   Absatz mit Bild
En 1906, Eduard Konrad Zirm (1887-1944) réussit le premier une kératoplastie transfixiante chez l'homme.
National Anti-Vivisection Society   Ausführliche Beschreibung - am Ende der Seite - Dr. Zirm verwendete keine Tierversuche in seinen Forschungen
Latin Salud    
Transplante de Cornéas    

Eye Bank Association of America Throughout 2005, the Eye Bank Association of America (EBAA) will be commemorating the centennial of the first corneal transplant performed by Eduard Zirm, MD, in what is now the Czech Republic. read more
Lions Eye Bank (...)This milestone ended more than a hundred years of unsuccessful attempts by eye surgeons all around the world. The method developed by Dr. Zirm is still the basis for the repair of corneal damage. Derived from this historical method are the methods of transplants of hearts, kidneys, and livers.
Gift of But in 1905, Dr. Eduard Konrad Zirm, an ophthalmologist practicing in Austria, was presented with a unique opportunity. One of his patients was a young boy whose damaged eye, although it could not be saved, had a perfectly intact cornea. Another of his patients was a workman whose corneas were damaged in an accident.

Dr. Zirm removed the boy’s eye and carefully excised the cornea, then implanted it in place of the workman’s
damaged cornea. The result was a groundbreaking achievement: Within a few hours, the man’s vision returned,
and he retained his eyesight for the rest of his life. In 1925, Helen Keller persuaded Lions Clubs around the
world to lead the fight against blindness- (…) One hundred years after the first successful corneal transplant, the Illinois Eye-Bank pays tribute to Dr. Zirm and those who have built upon his achievement over the past century March is National Eye Donor Month. Throughout 2005, the Eye Bank Association of America (EBAA) will be commemorating the centennial of the first corneal transplant performed by Eduard Zirm, MD, in what is now the Czech Republic. Eduard Zirm, born in 1863 in Vienna, Austria, attended the University of Vienna where he studied medicine. Dr. Zirm worked in ophthalmology at Vienna Univ-Augenklinik and was eventually offered a position at a newly formed eye clinic in a rural area of Austria (now the Czech Republic). While there, he founded what would become the largest eye clinic in the area. During his years in practice, Zirm conducted thousands of cataract surgeries along with a number of cornea transplants.
Missouri This momentous medical milestone was performed by Dr. Eduard Zirm in 1905, in what is now known as the Czech Republic. The first cornea transplant recipient, Alois Glogar, had experienced burns in both of his eyes leaving him blind. Dr. Zirm used human corneal tissue to provide Glogar with renewed vision. Complications resulted in one of Glogar's eyes, but the other resulted in the first cornea transplant.
Schweden   Absatz auf schwedisch
Den första lyckade hornhinnetransplantationen på en människa utfördes av ögonläkaren Eduard Konrad Zirm i Österrike så tidigt som år 1905.
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